A phase I study of IMC-001, a PD-L1 blocker, in patients with metastatic or locally advanced solid tumors
A phase I study of IMC-001, a PD-L1 blocker, in patients with metastatic or locally advanced solid tumors | SpringerLink
ImmuneOncia and 3D Medicines Signed Exclusive License Agreement to Develop, Manufacture and Commercialize IMC-002 in Greater China
[English News] ImmuneOncia and 3D Medicines Signed Exclusive License Agreement to Develop, Manufacture and Commercialize IMC-002 in Greater China (prnewswire.com) [Korean News] 유한양행이 점찍은 이뮨온시아, '5400억원' 항암신약 기술수출 - 머니투데이 (mt.co.kr)